ホ―ン です[ ☆ Thoughts affect all of us, the question is, are they empowering or disempowering? ☆ ]

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Fragile SOUL

Yesterday I was asked to bathe a mixed breed dog; Golden and Spitz. I was told that the dog was going to die due of illness. I was stunned when they told me that... totally speechless when bathing it. It's eyesight is so dull.. spiritless.. emotionless.. oh my god... I wanted to cry out. How can you imagine that when you are doing something for the very last time for someone.. And it's indescribable how I feel when I know that the dog was going to end it's life. They said the dog was having kidney failure and refuse to eat nor drink. It just vomited whatever enter it's stomach. This is the time when I started to think. Esther, my grooming partner mention that might be the owner's fault for not taking good care of the dog. It is already 9 years old. It doesn't have a choice to die with illness or to die of old age.. But, the owner does have the choice how he wanted his dog to live and end it's life. The illness might be accumulate during it's lifetime... or just suddenly get sick....

so skinny.. i could even grab it's back bone.. and feel it's pelvic bone.. omg.

it's eyes... so dull.. very dull


Same goes to human. I just turn 21 this year. Getting into working society, I realize that lots of friends among me are not taking care of themselves. There are smokers, drinkers.. and having eating disorder; obesity. You all have a choice on how to live your life. Whether in term of health.. mentally too. Lately I'm so annoyed by a faggot who likes to fake out, boast and that's really a FAGGOT. Come on, you want to live your life in your own faking fairytale land? Keep boasting and telling lies for your whole life? I don't understand why there is such people who want to live their life in LIES, FALSENESS, STUPIDITY,.. whatever. Faggot eats MAGGOT. Fark off..


Jason said...

this is what a groomer's job... give the best to every dogs that on our grooming table...squido, think it the other way round, maybe u will feel much mreo better.... think that is good to let him go rather thn suffereing from the kidney failure problem, vomitting whatever he ate... cheer

vialentino said...

i really feel pity on tht dog situation...but 9 yrs is very long ler...it is equals to 90 yrs old of a human age...

yeah, health is important now...

Unknown said...

Do take care!!!